Kalie has been riding at Hope Horses since she was 6 years old. She is now 16! Kalie is diagnosed with Autism. Her biggest needs are communication skills, social interactions, learning to manage her emotions, and learning everyday skills. “Riding at Hope has impacted her life in many different ways! It has helped her learn interactions both with humans and animals, following directions, and so much more!”- Kalie’s mom
Kalie has been riding at Hope Horses for 10 years now. Her instructor, Mrs. Allison, has been teaching her for 2 years! She starts her lessons by grooming her horse Bubbles. She takes her time with each brush and is so gentle with any horse she grooms! After she grooms, she gets her horse tacked up! She knows what each piece of tack is called and needs minimal assistance getting the tack on her horse! Once we mount and do some warm up laps she is ready for her lesson. Kalie is currently working on direct rein (communicating to Bubbles using her left and right reins) and riding her horse independently without a horse handler! Kalie loves playing games. The games that her and Mrs. Allison play help her to work on different riding skills and achieve her riding goals. She has built up a lot of confidence in the past couple years and is all smiles while riding her horse! Her instructor is so proud of her and all her accomplishments!- Allison Curl- Kalie’s Instructor
